Mr. Nava Jones (aka Siiah), is now six Months old! Time is flying by, and he is a healthy baby boy, weighing in at a whopping 18 pounds. He has been traveling, with his family, he flew twice to Minnesota. Where he met his O cousins. Aaron, Lizzy, Isaac, Elijah, and Ethan. His Aunt and Uncle, and his Grandma and Grandpa Harris were there too! Salt Lake City was a short trip but very enjoyable. As of the 20th this Month, he is visiting his V cousins, Caleb, Maya, and Emma. His Aunt Sarah, can't stop talking about him. She thinks that he is a very cute baby.
He has been given a new nickname, by his doctor, Tanker. The doctor informed his parents that he may be a tall boy. And that he should start eating some baby cereal. (Molly disagreed strongly) Dr. Goldson also suggested that he should start sleeping in his own bed. (Mike has ignored the suggestion) Siiah enjoys his feedings and loves to fall asleep in between his parents at night.
He has done many activities that are helpful for his development. For example, walks around the neighborhood, visiting the Denver Zoo, a road trip, several flights, swimming with his sister Tevtev and his Papa, tasted ice cream, apple sauce and baby cereal, plenty of grocery trips, movie theater, watch and fell asleep to the NBA playoffs, picnics at the park and at home, has listened to Andrea Bocelli Jack Johnson Samuel Barber and Cepillin, sits with his family for dinner every time, rides around town with classical music playing in the background, loves to play peek-a-boo with himself in front of the mirror, and enjoys his baby jumper.
" Te quiero, mi changito gordito, y te extraño tambien! "